About me

Your Trainees Should Be Making You Money. Mine Do.

Hi, I'm Kate! The person who runs this joint.

I’ve been in the Recruitment industry since 2012 (I know, I don’t look old enough) and I’m still here, so I can’t be that bad! 


Have you ever noticed that everyone is relying on Tech to do huge volume now? Without it, a lot of businesses wouldn’t cover their overheads. Tech is a good thing, but it’s mostly there to cover up the real problem. 


Which is: the new talent coming in is struggling to do the same activities we did at their level.


If we carry on hiring Trainees that can’t bill in their own right, then there might not be an industry in a decade or two, that’s why The Job Slinger Academy was born! 


Disclaimer – I don’t own a gun, I can’t ride a horse and I live in Cardiff, not the Wild West (although if you see me down chippy lane on a Saturday night you might think you’re there).

Before they begin employment with you, here's a list of the things they can be taught by a top biller.

  • Where & how do we find candidates?
  • Building & maintaining a talent pool
  • Taking a candidate through a screening call
  • Taking a candidate through the interview process
  • Taking a candidate through the offer process to start date
  • Building and maintaining a BD target list
  • Making Business Development calls
  • Email & LinkedIn messaging techniques
  • Booking & conducting meetings with clients
  • Account management techniques
  • What is recruitment?!
  • Building strategic relationships
  • Building your personal brand and network
  • Managing your mindset
  • Working from home effectively
  • Time management & prioritisation
  • Handling objections & difficult conversations

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